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Hold My Hand

Hold My Hand

Editor's note: More kids than ever before are dealing with anxiety and depression. It can be confusing to fight for mental and emotional health as a believer, especially for our kids. Enjoy this except from Justine Froelker's book 100 Devotions for Kids Dealing with Anxiety and be sure to share it with a young friend.


I am the Lord your God, who holds your right hand, and I tell you. “Don’t be afraid. I will help you.”Isaiah 41:13 NCV

Remember when you were little and an adult would hold your hand when crossing the street? They would look down at you and say, “What do we do when crossing the street or walking in a parking lot?” You’d parrot what they had told you over and over in your little kid voice: “We grab an adult’s hand and look both ways.” I think that universal advice is the world’s version of Isaiah 41:13.

In everything you experience, work through, and survive, God wants you to remember to take His hand.

In fact, when you forget to take His hand, He will still hold yours and lead the way forward. Then He leans down, takes your face in His hands, looks you in the eyes, and tells you, “Don’t be afraid. I will help you. I will guide you. I will show you the way. I will never leave you. I won’t forsake you either. I am here. It is good and if it isn’t good right now, it will be. I won’t let go of your hand. I promise it will get better. Do not be afraid, I’m here.”

Is there something you are going through right now that you haven’t grabbed God’s hand through? What’s it like to know He has your hand right now and that He is helping you?

The Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. — Numbers 6:25–26

Sometimes God can be intimidating. Sometimes we may even feel a little scared of Him. He is the Creator of all things. There are some of those tougher stories we read, especially in the Old Testament, where His wrath is kind of frightening. Don’t be fooled — even in those tougher stories, God’s love, faithfulness, and grace are present.

Some of the greatest lies that anxiety tells us are that we aren’t enough, that no one cares, that no one can help us, and that we are alone. None of this is true. You have a God who loves you. You have people who love you, who can and will help you. God’s face shines on you with a grace that meets you where you are and lets you know that He is with you. Even on those tough days when you aren’t turning toward Him, He will turn toward you. And not only will He turn toward you, meet you, and sit beside you with so much love, He will also give you peace.

He gives you peace because He is peace.

  • Even when you don’t have peace because anxiety feels like it has stolen it, Jesus can and will be that peace.

If it is a sunny day and you can go outside, go ahead and do this exercise there. Allow your face to feel the warmth of the sun and take a deep breath. Otherwise, imagine that it is a beautiful, sunny day and you are sitting in its warmth.

Write down something you’re struggling to find peace with. How will peace ease your anxiety? Now close your eyes and take a deep breath. Ask Jesus if today, even if only for this moment, He will be your peace and help you feel peace.

Excerpted with permission from 100 Devotions for Kids Dealing with Anxiety by Justine Froelker, copyright Zondervan. 

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Your Turn

Are you going through scary stuff right now? Hold God’s hand! He’s right with you and He will never, ever leave you hanging. He will be your peace. ~ Devotionals Daily