The 6 Needs of Every Child: Empowering Parents and Kids through the Science of Connection - Audiobook (Unabridged)

By: Amy Elizabeth Olrick, Jeffrey Olrick
Narrated by: Tom Parks, Cris Dukehart
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Like most parents, Amy and Jeffrey Olrick left the hospital with their first child desperate to know, "What do we do?" But years of parenting three kids and Jeffrey's work as a child psychologist convinced them to ask a better question: "How shall I be with this new person?"

In a culture obsessed with parenting formulas, it's easy to miss the fact that science and lived experience have proven that human development and thriving are a matter of relationship. Drawing on decades of psychological research, neuroscience, and their own experience as parents and people of faith, the Olricks present six relational needs for human growth that will transform the way you think about your child--and yourself. Together, the needs form a trustworthy compass to guide you and your child to a path of purpose and relational wholeness.

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