Asertivos: 21 claves que transformarán tus relaciones interpersonales con inteligencia emocional.

By: Sonia González Boysen
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SPANISH ORIGINAL: To be, or not to be assertive: that is the question.

Human beings have managed to innovate surprisingly in the technological and scientific fields, but it is hard for us to be assertive in order to maintain a fluid, free, serene, balanced, clear, spontaneous and harmonious conversation, capable of generating a relevant and forceful influence.

In these pages you will receive comprehensive advice, with the 21 keys of proven application to achieve not only awareness about the importance of maintaining a healthy communication in your life, but also identify what are the most common bad communication habits: negativity, paralyzing fears, complaints in your interpersonal relationships, worries, envy, resentment, unforgiveness, toxic people, difficult people, procrastination, fights and more.

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