Series: Above the Line Series

The Above the Line Collection: The Baxters Take One, The Baxters Take Two, The Baxters Take Three, The Baxters Take Four

By: Karen Kingsbury
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The Baxters Take One

Could they change the world—before the world changes them? Filmmakers Chase Ryan and Keith Ellison left the mission field of Indonesia for the mission field of Hollywood with a dream bigger than both of them. Now they have done the impossible: raised enough money to produce a feature film with a message that could change the world.

The Baxters Take Two

The producers are gaining respect and are on the verge of truly changing culture through the power of film—but is the change worth the cost?

The Baxters Take Three

Chase Ryan and Keith Ellison set out to change the world with their films—and they are finally seeing their dreams come true.

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